Awareness on Disaster Risk Reduction and basic knowledge on using mobile application for communicationtraining were done for four days on (16-19.12.20) at East Dagon Community Learning Center(CLC), Insein Youth Learning Center(YLC) and East Dagon YLC. Altogether (26) participants attended the training. This training was done according to the directions and rules of MOHs.
They learnt about different types of disasters and how to manage the disasters. Moreover, they had shared their experiences related to the disaster they had faced. They examine the possible risks in their environment by drawing their community maps.
So that, drawing their community maps also help them to recognize their nearby risks and disaster that might occur and it also help them to get the information about Emergency response groups around their community. Some SHG also response to set up the Disaster Management team and work together with their community ward leaders.
This awareness training was supportive to the SHG members who’s attended and also to the community through them.
In 2020, the four Self-Help Group committees named
(1) Alin Yaung means “The Light”, SHG committee in 42 ward , and
(2) SHG committee in 32 ward in North Dagon Township,
(3) Twel Latt Nyi means ” Holding Hands Together”, SHG committee in East Dagon Township and,
(4) SHG committee in Insein
were lead the activities for their community by themselves successfully under the instruction of Ministry of Health and Sports.
The representatives of the respective four Self Help Groups’ committees took the leadership role by doing excellence performance throughout the year. All the committees supported basic essential foods for their groups’ members during COVID -19 pandemic era.
Alin Yaung (42 ward ) SHG Committee was done (2) awareness activities. (a) Communication Training for SHG members and (b) COVID-19 awareness and GBV awareness training for the community.
Altogether (31) participants attended the awareness training which were arranged by the SHG EC members on (26 & 27/11/2020).
(32 ward) SHG Committee had done awareness raising on Reproductive Health and gave Birth Space Injection to (17) women with guest speakers on 7 to 11/12/ 2020 in their community.
Insein SHG Committee was done COVID -19 awareness and Hand gel making activity with (30) SHG members and their community members on (14 – 15/12/2020). The training was given by themselves.
Twel Latt Nyi ( East Dagon) SHG committee was done COVID-19 & GBV awareness training to (24) women, men and young people in their community. The trainers were selected by themselves among them.
The COVID -19 patients and the related group members were supported basic foods and the necessary things by their SHG committees’ funds as much as they could.
Self-Help Groups Conference led by Precious Stones Organization on 7.12.2019 and around 161 SHG Groups’ members attended. (4) Self-Help Groups executive committee leaders were handed over their responsibilities and the constitutions. The members were actively presented their performances.
Performing with dance by (42)ward SHG Groups
Performing with Than Chat from East Dagon SHG Groups
Performing with Aerobic Dance by (42)ward SHG Groups
Group Photo of SHG Committee leaders and Precious Stones’ staffs
Committee Review and redesign workshop for Self-help groups’ committees was done at Myitta Center in November altogether (27) Committee leaders attended the workshop.
Twel Latt Nyi (East Dagon) Committee E.C Discussion for their committee future plan
Committee Review and redesign workshop helps the Self-help groups’ leaders to think deeply about their committee future plan, the activities they want to do to support their members, fundraising methods and procedure for their committees’ sustainability.
Discussion time for their committee future plan(32 North Dagon Committee)
The leaders are willingly planning all the best for their committees and also for their members. They discussed their former weakness and on that, they find the best ways to solve their problems. This workshop helps each committee to draw their constitution, vision, mission, activity and future plan for their committees.
Presenting about their committees’ future activities plan
Three capacity building training named Problem solving, Organizational management, Social Accountability were done successfully on (29-30.5.2019), (17-18.5.2019) and (31.5-1.6.2019). Altogether (37) SHG Committee leaders attended the training enthusiastically. Each training supports the SHG members to consider deeply and carefully for the advantages not only for their committee but also for their community.
Problem Solving Activity, during the Training
SHG Committee Leaders’ were attending PCM Training
After the training, as leaders they had learnt their duty and responsibility they should have, knowledge to coordinate with others in their community, skills to analysis the problems around their community and to solve them, to plan and work systematically and know the important of developed their groups systematically. Moreover, they had leant that sustainability is important for their groups and also for their committees.
Group Discussion
Recap before training
Draw Community Mapping
The Strengthening activity for the Self-Help Groups’ Leaders was helpful for the Committee Leaders and their community for those who attended the training applied the skills and ideas as much as they can after the training.
21 SHG leaders from (4) areas followed the Exchange visit trip to Mawlamying on (21-24.5.2019). They had opportunities to study the activities of others organizations.
On this Exchange visit trip, they had a chance to meet the organizations, named Myitta Sone Si, Community base development group’s and their safe house, MPG National HIV network shelter…etc.
Exchange Learning for the service on VAW
According to their conversation and feedback on the trip, they gained lots of information and knowledge of difficult situations encountered in different areas. They had learnt how the others organization run their activities effectively according to their capability and manage their activities, how do they motivate each other. Moreover, they gained different ideas of earning the fund to run their organizations sustainability.
Visitation to Myitta Sone Si Organization
Visiting to Community Center
After the trip, the SHG leaders from different Committees imitate some of the ideas and applied them to their community according to their situational conditions. Under the heading of strengthening self-help group and self – help group’s committee to have leadership and management skills, exchange visit to other organization is supportive for the SHG leaders and also for their committees for they have more new ideas to cope to develop their committees.
Advance Business plan training was given to (25) Self Help Groups'(SHG) members, was selected who have experience in doing their own business currently. By doing individual and group work activities during (3)days training, they gained the skills to manage their business and investment, to promote products and markets, and to draw their own business plan. The closing ceremony was done at New Life foundation in North Dagon. Continue reading Business Plan Training for SHG members
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