Awareness on Disaster Risk Reduction and basic knowledge on using mobile application for communication training were done for four days on (16-19.12.20) at East Dagon Community Learning Center(CLC), Insein Youth Learning Center(YLC) and East Dagon YLC. Altogether (26) participants attended the training. This training was done according to the directions and rules of MOHs.
They learnt about different types of disasters and how to manage the disasters. Moreover, they had shared their experiences related to the disaster they had faced. They examine the possible risks in their environment by drawing their community maps.
So that, drawing their community maps also help them to recognize their nearby risks and disaster that might occur and it also help them to get the information about Emergency response groups around their community. Some SHG also response to set up the Disaster Management team and work together with their community ward leaders.
This awareness training was supportive to the SHG members who’s attended and also to the community through them.
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