In 2020, the four Self-Help Group committees named
(1) Alin Yaung means “The Light”, SHG committee in 42 ward , and
(2) SHG committee in 32 ward in North Dagon Township,
(3) Twel Latt Nyi means ” Holding Hands Together”, SHG committee in East Dagon Township and,
(4) SHG committee in Insein
were lead the activities for their community by themselves successfully under the instruction of Ministry of Health and Sports.
The representatives of the respective four Self Help Groups’ committees took the leadership role by doing excellence performance throughout the year. All the committees supported basic essential foods for their groups’ members during COVID -19 pandemic era.
Alin Yaung (42 ward ) SHG Committee was done (2) awareness activities. (a) Communication Training for SHG members and (b) COVID-19 awareness and GBV awareness training for the community.
Altogether (31) participants attended the awareness training which were arranged by the SHG EC members on (26 & 27/11/2020).
(32 ward) SHG Committee had done awareness raising on Reproductive Health and gave Birth Space Injection to (17) women with guest speakers on 7 to 11/12/ 2020 in their community.
Insein SHG Committee was done COVID -19 awareness and Hand gel making activity with (30) SHG members and their community members on (14 – 15/12/2020). The training was given by themselves.
Twel Latt Nyi ( East Dagon) SHG committee was done COVID-19 & GBV awareness training to (24) women, men and young people in their community. The trainers were selected by themselves among them.
The COVID -19 patients and the related group members were supported basic foods and the necessary things by their SHG committees’ funds as much as they could.
42 ward Lin Yaung Chi Committee 32 ward SHG Committee Insein SHG Committee East Dagon Twal Latt Nyi Committee
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